Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Landlocket Salmon 9,2kg

I got message from couple Finnish guys, who fishing last weekend in one smaller size Finnish lake. They caught huge 9,2kg salmon with baitfish and small size VK-Baitholder, color Sunset. Great job, congratulations guys!

"Aamu oli launtaina lähes tyyni kun menimme vesille. Vapoja laskiessa veneen keulassa kävi iso kala pinnassa . Aamu kulki vaputelessa 3kpl pientä kalaa kello 10.20 maissa lähestyimme kahta syvää aluetta silloin minun ulompi plaanari jossa 20g painoa ja pieni vk huppu jossa salakka syötti ja väri sunset alkoi pakittamaan vähän paremmin ja samalla läksi toinen plaanari samalla sivulla ulommaiessa tuntui että kyseessä parempi kala . Lapinsalon Ossi kelasi pienen kalan pois ja otti perän puhtaaksi vavoista sillä aikaan minä pitelin kalaa joka hyppäsi kolme kertaa . Kalan väsytys kesti 15 min ilman mitään ongelmaa ja kalan veneeseen saatuamme huomasinne ompas aika iso ja koukku tukevasti kiinni koukkuja 1kpl koko 4 . Punnitsimme kalan Rapalan digitaalinen näytti 9,2-9,3kg . Kotona punnitsimme kalan joka oli veristetty vaaka näytti 9,170 kg. Mika Päiväläinen"

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Landlocket salmon 10.2kg

Team Hooked Peter & Albin caught 10.2kg salmon in lake Vänern. Fish took baitfish with gold 750 coloured VK-Baitholder. Congratulations guys!

Mika/Team VK

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Simrishamn 27.04.2012

Team Satunnaiset Saaliit/Panda Look caught today after 4,5 hour fishing Salmon 9.0, 9.4, 10.0, 10.9, 11.0 ja 12.8kg They had Seven, triple and six header today. Best colors was Vk-Baitholder Swedish Flag and Blue/Green Chrome and best flasher colors was Swedish Flag chrome and Coho Blue chrome. Awesome fishing!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Simrishamn 25.04.2012

Team Satunnaiset saalit caught today six pack from Simrishamn. They caught 10 salmon only 4,5 hour fishing, four of those was C/R They also loose 3-4 salmon. Weights was 10,3,kg, 10,3kg, 7,4kg, 6,5kg, 6,1kg ja 3,7kg Fish bite mostly VK-Bait heads with flashers. Huh, congratulations guys!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Simrishamn trolling 24.04.2012

Team Satunnaiset Saaliit have a great half day fishing in Simrishamn today. They caught three Atlantic Salmon with VK-Products. Size between +10kg - 15.2kg Biggest took new VK-Veivi spoon and another two took Baitfish with VK-Bait head and VK-Flasher. Congratulations guys!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Salmon Fishing in Pacific Ocean

Richard Enderle from California USA, sent VK-trolling facebook page report & pictures of their fantastic succses in Pacific. Congratulations and Tight lines for season 2012

Here is Richard report:

"Ever since I introduced the VK2 Flasher to our fishing Club "Coastside" in California we have been slaying the Pacific King Salmon of Bodega Bay and San Francisco last year 2011. We boated at least 50 kings on my boat last year with the VK2 many of them 30lbers. Other members of our club started buying the VK2 and started to beg the local tackle shops to start stocking it.They flew off the shelfs as fast as they could stock them. It would produce more and Bigger Salmon than other rigs especally on a scratch bite or when fishing deep. I even had a 20 pound Pacific Halibut swim 30 ft off the bottom to nail my VK2 with a salmon bait. We caught King Salmon to 40 pounds in my club ..and even old timers are buying them. Thanks for such a wonderfull product!

As the new Salmon Season in California starts in April 2012

our Coastside Members are already asking me about the VK2 Flashers..
how to use them...what to get them.
Since I was the one to first use the VK2 in our club some members have even given it the nick name of the "DickE" flasher!
which is my Club name.
As an avid user, fan and of VK products which are relatively UNKNOWN here in California.
I would be happy to pass on any info on VK products to our members and others here on the Pacific West Coast help promote this fine product

Coastside Fishing Club
California USA

PS here is a picture of a 35 pound King Salmon Taken off Bodega Bay Last July
It was caught on my boat was caught using a Large UV Green Special VK2 with an anchovy...125 ft down

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Salmon trolling 31.12.2011

I get report from Mats Olsson for their fantastic fishing in lake Vänern.

"Hi Mika

Yesterday was new years eve, and whether report looked great for first time in many weeks.

Me and fishing mate Jonas Bergqvist decided to spend a short day on lake Vänern before celebrating the new year in the evening.

Morning was pretty cold with minus 6 degrees, but when sun came up it became a really nice day.
Fishing was alright to, and before breaking up at around 13.00 we had caught 3 Trout up to 5 kg and one Salmon of 9,88kg. We also missed two fishes.

All fishes where of course caught using baitfish in VK baitholder. The salmon took a baitholder Swedish flag chrome with 20gr lead in surface.
As I see now the salmon of 9,88 kg was pretty close to the winner fish of the competition, but that is life.
It was a fantastic fish caught in a beautiful day on lake Vänern. Great finish of fishing year 2011.

Here are two pictures of the nice salmon from yesterday.

Also sending you pictures of 3 biggest fish, except from yesterdays caught, from our Vänern fishing this nov and dec. All caught using your great baitholders!!!
Salmon of 8,4 kg and 8,9kg caught when fishing friend Henrik Björklund visited me in my boat.
Trout of 7,72kg as I managed to caught using VK baitholder watermelon.

Best regards:
Mats Olsson"

Congratulations Mats + Co.
Tight lines for Year 2012
Mika/Team VK