"Hello Mika!
Here is some pictures from Vänern when i have been fishing with VK Rax. It is working very good in high speed. Keep in touch!
Best regards Patrik//Team Pm Fishing"
Here is some pictures from Vänern when i have been fishing with VK Rax. It is working very good in high speed. Keep in touch!
Best regards Patrik//Team Pm Fishing"
I ask some more details on Patrik
"I was in Vänern for 9 days but i could only fish 4,5 days because of the wind. I caught 10 oversize fish and 9 of them was caught on VK-rax. I had VK on the planerboards and trophy spoons on the downriggers (only one rod on each rigg). It wasn´t so good fishing these days but it went well for me. 4 of them was caught on Steenson 2 on 737 1 on Lapinkulta crome 1 on UV and the last one i dont remember.
The size of the fish in the cooler is 7,1 5,6 4,5 4,4 3,5 3,0 That was a good day =0))"
Thanks for a report and congratulations
Team VK